Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trying to get some exercise where I can

For the first time in a long time I actually have the drive to work out. My fybro has been great since having Domino, no flare ups. Of coarse the problem is that we barely have time to fit it in. I used to have tons of time but no drive. Why does it always work this way?? At least I get to run a little. I've been mowing the lawn just because I haven't had time to work out and this is something that is scheduled and has to be done, so I figure why not get some exercise. The first few 2 times it was really hard to do, out in the heat for 1.5 hours, I was feeling bad for Jeff having to do it all the time. But now it's easy, I use my stroller drink holder on it for my water and it's like a good work out with our big front yard.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Real nice

Jeff came home and I showed him all the blogs I've been busy setting up and he thinks they are silly place to whine. I guess he's kinda right but I personally love reading other people's blogs and updates so why not start my own places to whine about my family & my kiddos.

Who Knew??

Who knew staying home all day with 3 kiddos was actually harder than going to work, going to work would seem like a break at this point! I love being with my kids all day but some days I want to pull my hair out, poor Jeff comes home from working hard all day to having to hold a fussy baby or having to take care of the kids so I can get something done that couldn't get done during the day. I think in like 2 years it will be much easier when both Dominic & Collin can be reasoned with, I may be wrong on that though, my boys are wild..